
SPSP Executive Board


  • Dr. Karoline Leuzinger – Clinical Virology, University Hospital of Basel
  • Dr. Peter Keller – Clinical Bacteriology and Mycology, University Hospital of Basel


  • Prof. Vincent Perreten – Vetsuisse, University of Bern
  • Prof. Stephen Leib – Institute of Infectious Diseases, University of Bern


  • Prof. Laurent Kaiser – Virology Laboratory, University Hospital of Geneva
  • Prof. Jacques Schrenzel – Bacteriology Laboratory, University Hospital of Geneva
  • Dr. Aitana Neves – Clinical Bioinformatics, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics


  • PD Dr. Dominique Blanc – Service of Hospital Preventive Medicine, University Hospital of Lausanne
  • Prof. Gilbert Greub – Institute of Microbiology, University Hospital of Lausanne


  • Prof. Adrian Egli – Medical Microbiology, University of Zurich
  • Prof. Roger Stefan – Vetsuisse, University of Zurich
  • Dr. Michael Huber – Medical Virology, University of Zurich

SPSP Advisory Board

  • Chair (EB member) – Prof. Adrian Egli

Federal authorities

  • BAG, Transmittable diseases – Interim: Mirjam Mäusezahl
  • BAG, Abteilung Übertragbare Krankheiten, Gesamtprojektleiterin StAR – Daniela Müller Brodmann
  • BLV, One Health – Rainer Fretz
  • BLV, Food Borne Diseases – Karin Hulliger
  • BLW, Genetische Ressourcen und Technologien – Markus Hardegger
  • BAFU, Abteilung Wasser, Sektion Gewässerschutz – Saskia Zimmermann-Steffens
  • Agroscope – Fabian Wahl

Reference laboratories and cohorts

  • CRIVE – Manuel Schibler
  • NAVI – Ana Rita Goncalves Cabecinhas
  • Legionella – Valeria Gaia
  • NARA – Patrice Nordmann and Laurent Poirel
  • NENT – Guido Bloemberg
  • Pneumococcal – Markus Hilty
  • NANT – Kristina Schmidt
  • Mycobacterium – Bettina Schultheiss
  • HIV – represented in Executive Board
  • ZOBA – Gudrun Overesch

Other stakeholders – related initiatives

  • Nextstrain – Richard Neher
  • Swiss-TPH – Hub for outbreak investigations – Daniel Mäusezahl
  • Cantonal chemist – Peter Brodmann (Baselland)
  • Cantonal physicians – Simon Fuchs (Basel)
  • Cantonal physicians – Ruedi Hauri (Kanton Zug), President of cantonal physicians conference
  • Anresis – Andreas Kronenberg
  • EAWAG – Helmut Bürgmann
  • Swiss Society of Microbiology – represented in Executive Board
  • Swiss Socitey for Infectious Diseases – represented in Executive Board
  • Swiss Society of Food Safety – Sophia Johler
  • Swissnoso – Sarah Tschudin-Sutter

Project partners

  • EOC – Franca Baggi
  • ETHZ – Tanja Stadler, Niko Beerenwinkel
  • LZMSG – Oliver Nolte
  • Dr Risch – Lorenz Risch
  • Genesupport – Tanguy Araud
  • SRO – Alexander Imhof
  • HVS – Alexis Dumoulin
  • SYNLAB Bioggio – Etleva Lleshi
  • Biolytix – Adrian Härri
  • Spiez lab – Isabel Hunger-Glaser

SPSP Scientific Board

  • Chair (EB member) – Dr. Aitana Neves

University Hospital of Geneva and University of Geneva

  • HUG/Unige – Dr. Samuel Cordey
  • HUG/Unige – Dr. Vladimir Lazarevic

University Hospital of Lausanne and University of Lausanne

  • CHUV/Unil – Dr. Claire Bertelli
  • CHUV/Unil – Dr. Trestan Pillonel

University of Bern (excl. VetSuisse)

  • Unibe (non-VetSuisse, IFIK) – Dr. Alban Ramette

University Hospital of Basel and University of Basel

  • USB/Unibas – tbd

University of Zurich (excl. VetSuisse)

  • UZH (non-VetSuisse) – Dr. Verena Kufner
  • UZH (non-VetSuisse) – Dr. Frank Imkamp
  • UZH (non-VetSuisse) – Dr. Tim Roloff
  • UZH (non-VetSuisse) – Dr. Helena Seth-Smith


  • VetSuisse – Dr. Michael Biggel
  • VetSuisse – Dr. Claudia Bachofen
  • VetSuisse – Dr. Sonja Kittl

ETH Domain

  • ETHZ – Prof. Jochen Klumpp
  • ETHZ – Prof. Nicholas Bukolich


SPSP welcomes anytime partners for targeted projects (list below).

SARS-CoV-2 surveillance

In addition to the consortium members, the following laboratories are currently contributing to SPSP within the frame of the national SARS-CoV-2 surveillance program coordinated by FOPH with the national reference laboratory for emerging viral infections (HUG CRIVE).

  • Biolytix
  • Dr Risch
  • ETH Zürich, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, Computational Evolution Group
  • Genesupport
  • Hôpital du Valais
  • Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC)
  • Labor Spiez
  • Spital Region Oberaargau (SRO AG)
  • Synlab (Bioggio)
  • Zentrum für Labormedizin St. Gallen

 Wastewater surveillance

  • ETH Zürich, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, Computational Biology Group

Admission of new groups

The Swiss Pathogen Surveillance Platform welcomes new groups.

Registered groups

If you are a laboratory interested in various microbes/pathogens, willing to contribute with a broad spectrum of genomic and/or epidemiological data to SPSP, having a strong interest in either surveillance, research or diagnostics, or acting as a key player nationally (e.g. national reference lab) or internationally (e.g. important link to international resources/platforms), please contact the Executive Board with this form to request joining as a new “registered group”. The SPSP Executive Board will decide on a case-by-case basis on the admission of new registered groups.

3rd-party groups

If your laboratory has a more specific interest, it is also possible to join the SPSP consortium as a 3rd party group, e.g. for the course of a specific project requiring submission/access to SPSP data, or if you are interested in a specific type of data or pathogen (e.g. SARS-CoV-2). Please fill in the SPSP Project Description Form to request joining as a 3rd party group. The SPSP Scientific and Executive Boards will review applications on a case-by-case basis.


For any question on SPSP, please contact directly Prof. Adrian Egli (chair Executive Board) and Dr. Aitana Neves (chair Scientific Board), thank you.